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Saturday, June 18, 2011
Building a brand
Al-Qaeda has become a different organization than it was on Sept. 11, 2001. With growing affiliates in Yemen, Somalia and North Africa, it is more diffuse in its reach and in its mission. Experts say the network can’t be controlled by a single leader on a day-to-day basis, and perhaps not even in a long-term sense.
“What has happened is that al-Qaeda has become more of a brand name in fomenting terrorism,” said David Livingstone, an associate fellow at the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London.
Whether Zawahiri can effectively build up his own brand is one of many open questions. With U.S. officials now in possession of the intelligence haul from bin Laden’s compound, Zawahiri might be leery of communicating with his followers. And the courier system might not be the best way to reach them.
“Would Zawahiri be using the same methodology when it has been shown to have failed?” Livingstone said. “He’s got to be able to communicate somehow.”
Sheridan reported from Cairo. Staff writers Peter Finn, Greg Miller and Jason Ukman and staff researcher Julie Tate in Washington and special correspondent Ranya Kadri in Amman, Jordan, contributed to this report. more...
katikati pichani mhindi wa kwanza hivyo kumrith Genevieve emmanuel Mpangala aliye kuwa akishikiria taji hilo, Cynthia alifuatiwa na mshindi wa pili Husna Twalbu kushoto pichani na watatu Joyce Maweda. soma zaidi...
Monday, June 13, 2011
Somebody at the network must be determined to make moms feel like super heroes because there's a similar vibe on "The Protector" (10 tonight), a new series that starts tonight.
The show stars Ally Walker ("Profiler") as Gloria Sheppard, a homicide detective and recently divorced mother of two sons who has moved in with her recovering brother (Chris Payne Gilbert). Her partner is played by Tisha Campbell-Martin and her boss is played by Miguel Ferrer.
It's clear from the beginning that Gloria has a rep for being "difficult" which is TV talk for "smarter than everyone else," "always right," and "does things her way." Despite that, the people she works with, even her partner, question her every move. She's also supposed to be quirky, which doesn't really play out. The closest she comes to that is when she lets her kids throw knives at a target, which seems more like irresponsible. Although she has this demanding job, she still has time (and the ability!) to stay up all night making her youngest son a costume for a school play.
Despite the fact that at the center of all this is a murder investigation, the tone of "The Protector" is light with touches of "aww, isn't that sweet?" (Gloria's kids call her 'The Protector' because they feel safe when she's around.) And the murder plot isn't all that complicated; if you've watched your fair share of "Law & Orders" you could have written this plot with your eyes closed.
Walker, Campbell-Martin and Ferrer can do better than this; Ferrer, pretty much spends the first episode looking stern. Walker and Campbell-Martin are clearly trying, but the writing doesn't give them much to work with.
In the end, "The Protector" is a mild diversion; it won't hurt you to watch it, but it's not appointment TV. On the other hand, it might enrage you. After all, it's pretty tough to measure up to knife-throwing, crime-solving, super-seamstress Gloria.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Fwd: Morning with Ebenezer
But Zion said, "The LORD has forsaken me,
And my Lord has forgetten me."
"Can a woman forget her nursing child,
And not have compassion on the son of her womb?
Surely they may forget,
Yet I will not forget you.
Isaiah 49:14-15(NKJV)
There are some of you this morning having inner burdens which have
made you to wake up with tears in your hearts, you may be thinking
that you were suppose to be somewhere in life but untill now still
things are not as you expected before and it seems like your God has
forgetten you.
This morning, God wants you to know that it's true that you have been
crying when you see all people who you hoped they would help you are
not there for you and you have concluded that even the God I serve is
not here for me too; surely they may tend to forget and desert you but
He God will not forget you and behold has come for your rescue this
****Morning prayer****
Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....
Jehovah God, am coming before you by the blood of Jesus.Asking that
you may forgive me by thinking that you have forgotten me and help me
to rely on your help always, in Jesus Name I pray, Amen.
also lay down our lives for our brothers.
John 3:16 hcsb
Life can be hard but what we usually mean is that our life can be
hard; we're the first to feel it when we're the ones who feel
deprived, and when life is difficult for us we notice. But too often
the only way we notice that life is hard for our friends is when they
start complaining about it, then instead of genuinely caring or
rushing in to help we might think they just have a bad attitude. The
pain and pressure they're under don't register with us the way it does
when it's our pain and pressure… when we want to complain we expects
everyone for us
Genevieve E.M's love into action, it has seen weight piling up and it
stepped into helping, at UHURU centre Dar es laam Tanzania, blessed
let she be, Genevieve Emmanuel Mpangala miss Tanzania 2010-2011
This doesn't happen when love is at work, before worries and trouble
begun to bury our friends love has already gone into action mode
Sunday, June 5, 2011
its about time, we get our swagga on again
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a fellow turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow -
You may succeed with another blow."
monGi james
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